Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Social Media Tips for online success

social media how toA lot of individuals nowadays are forgetting how important concepts are compared to application. You ask them things that relate to Facebook or Twitter, they shoot back an answer instantly. You ask them the relevant concepts behind using such social networking sites, and they won?t mind you at all. If this is the case, people know only half of the thing. Simply, they are half-ignorant. What exactly is social media? Certainly, you can get plenty of hints from the words, but have you had the time to work it out fully

The Words ?Social? and ?Media?

Needless to say, the word ?social? relates to a group of individuals. This could be as small as a family, a little bigger like a community, and could be as big as a country. It encompasses interaction and communication. When we describe a man as someone who is socially active, he maintains a good relationship with the people surrounding him.

The term ?media? on the other hand means ways, means, or channels. These are the different methods on how something is achieved. Or, this is how something will be expressed. This could be a special or a unique strategy; this could be effective or otherwise.

Television networks, radio and newspapers are various types of media. But now that things are continuously being modified by the powers of the internet, online social media such as Facebook and Twitter prove to be very popular to its growing number of users.

The Relevance of Social Media

Not only that social network is created for bridging the gap of friends who are miles apart, but they are also methods of expressing thoughts and feelings. Apart from this, great deal of communication ? indeed plenty or ways ? is also exercised in these different social media platforms. Since these involve networks, people tend to influence the others, or the others choose to be influenced by some people.

In these virtual worlds, there are many possibilities. Now, relevant political issues are posted on Facebook walls; celebrity gossip goes viral on Twitter and many businesses perform advertising on YouTube. Since social media are innovations of people, and these things cannot control human activities, various things ? good and bad ? can arise. Therefore, just like most human inventions, how people use them make the difference. Responsible use of these wonderful tools would result to excellent things. And immature utilization, needless to say, results to terrible circumstances.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Change, as the old adage goes, is the only permanent thing in this world. The same holds true even with marketing these days. Today, marketing strategies such as traditional press releases and campaign advertisements are no longer the major topics of marketing books.

Traditional Marketing vs Modern Marketing

Social media marketing is not solely driven by modern strategies. For it to be effective, a combination of traditional and modern approaches must be applied. Traditional marketing approaches are deemed as the ones that establish demands, whereas social media marketing approaches are the ones to fulfill these demands. Therefore hand in hand, immediate and significant dividends can be generated with the effective execution of both.

The Business of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing ? the application and effective strategizing of business campaigns through social technologies. It is now deemed as an integral component of business processes and not merely something that is in an alternative level.

Social Media Marketing ? is a way for marketers to better understand their clients through creating an involvement-based network. It is as well how customers connect to marketers passively directing them on how to reshape their business into a way that will become most acceptable to the prospected audience.

Social Media Marketing ? is an innovative collaboration of all your business functions. It is executive, customer support and marketing teams in one.

Social Media Marketing ? is the meaningful engagement of marketers and clients and the measurable execution of business strategies in a level that directly agrees to your business? objectives.

The Social in Social Media Marketing

Ultimately, social media marketing is participative. It runs through the active participation by and with your audience. Because of the strong connection given by social media, businesses can better meet marketplace dynamics and adhere to competitive opportunities than in a traditionally managed one.

Social media marketing is done in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MySpace, Google + and LinkedIn, where social contexts and applications like posting, sharing, commenting and tagging are allowed.

Social media marketing, when implemented correctly creates a win-win set-up for the marketers and the consumers; companies will be able to understand and accept their customers? demands leading to the betterment of their business. As for the audience end, concerns, comments and feedback will effectively be sent across to the company; thus again, resulting to a mutual environment where open communication is strongly practiced.

Social Media for Business

free blogging websites platformsSocial media networks have both captured the hearts of customers and entrepreneurs. With the growth of social media, which still continues to skyrocket, its efficacy in advertising, selling and gathering feedback is truly amazing.
Why Businesses Need a Social Media Presence?

Consider the figures below:

  • There is an estimated 1.6 billion users of the online image sharing website Flickr.
  • 133 million blogs are currently available on the net and counting.
  • In 2009 alone, YouTube had 375 million daily visitors, all of which came from different accounts.
  • Facebook, solely for the month of September 2012 received more than 2.5 billion visits.

Consider this:

  • What are the odds of social media not growing even further? Perhaps the way we communicate will continue to change and evolve even more in the future.

How is Social Media Defined?

Definitions of social media may take up pages without still giving a clear and definite meaning that an online marketer might seek.

So in as simple as ABC, social media is the portal of sharing co-created information, gathering wide-range feedback and building trust through the application and utilization of technology.

Social media revolves around 4 Cs ? Content, Context, Connection and Community.

Social Media Marketing: What Are Your Objectives?

The effectiveness of social media regardless of the kind of business it promotes has already been well established. However, before you devise a plan and launch your ship, it is of basic knowledge to have marketing objectives. Here are some of the objectives where social media marketing strategies stand out.

  • Reaching target audience to communicate
  • Shaping your site into a good source of information
  • Involving customers in reshaping your business
  • Spreading content to prospected new customers
  • Establish yourself as an authority in your field of expertise

Blogging: The Gateway to Social Media

Search engines love blogs the same as how visitors love blog contents.

Blogging makes you hit two birds at one single shot ? search engines, the ones deciding which spot you will be on in search queries; and visitors, the ones determining and loving quality content.

Blogging means updating your site, and again a regularly updated site is loved by search engines. Posting and letting your visitors comment or even subscribe to your blog is a great social media marketing tactic. Applied with a couple of marketing strategies on other social media sites, the simple process of blogging has the startling ability of generating millions of visitors and thus, income.


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